Your $2 bill could be worth $4,500: How to find out

Your $2 bill could be worth $4,500: How to find out

That $2 bill you have might not be worth $2.

Depending on how and when it was printed, some collectors are offering up to $4,500 for the unique bills, according to the U.S. Currency Auctions (USCA) website.

The $2 bill isn’t commonly used but it’s also not rare.

As of 2017, there are 1.2 billion $2 bills in circulation, worth $2.4 billion, according to the U.S. Currency Education Program, with more recent figures by the Federal Reserve putting that at $2.7 billion worth of $2 bills as of 2020, or about 1.4 billion physical $2 bills.

They are still being printed today, according to the U.S. Currency Education Program.

It has been issued in one form or another since 1776, with the “greenback” paper form emerging at the time of the Civl War, according to the U.S. Currency Education Program.

“For most of their history, $2 notes have been unpopular, being viewed as unlucky or simply awkward to use in cash exchanges,” the Bureau of Engraving and Printing said, adding the bills were often returned to the Treasury with their corners torn off and making them unfit for reissuing.

For those wanted to cash in big on their $2, look for a red seal. If it was printed in 1890 and uncirculated, it’s worth $4,500.

Other $2 bills with the red seal range from being worth $300 to $2,500. Some bills with brown or blue seals are also worth hundreds of dollars.

For more recently printed $2 bills, look for ones printed in 1995 or 2003. Those are worth $500-700.

Of course, most $2 are worth $2 — but it’s worth checking.

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