Where did Miss Alabama winners go to college? Which school has the most winners?

Miss Alabama 2024, Abbie Stockard, is a student at Auburn University and proud of it. During a recent interview with AL.com, Stockard, 21, sang the praises of her school, from the nursing program that’s her academic focus to the football hoopla that’s part of her life as a member of the Tiger Paws dance team.

The new Miss Alabama loves the lemonade at Toomer’s Drugs, for example, especially the frozen strawberry variety. She enjoys the tradition of rolling the live oak trees at Toomer’s Corner, and says the university community thrives on such enthusiastic spirit. Stockard also is on great terms with Aubie, the school’s popular mascot. (”Me and Aubie are besties,” she said. “I know all of the friends of Aubie, which is kind of cool.”)