When will student loan payments restart? Here are the September, October dates to know

When will student loan payments restart? Here are the September, October dates to know

The U.S. Department of Education confirmed Monday the date for a restart on student loan payments.

The pause on student loan payments first put in place in March 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic ends in October, the department confirmed. The exact date in October will depend on your lender.

Interest on existing loans will resume starting Sept. 1.

The announcement comes after the bill raising the federal debt ceiling included a provision prohibiting an extension of the pause. Previously, the Biden administration had said the pause would end either 60 days after June 30 or 60 days after the Supreme Court rules on the president’s student loan forgiveness plan.

READ MORE: Student loan payments will restart in October, Department of Education confirms

The Supreme Court decision is expected to June or July but even if it upholds Biden’s plan to forgive up to $20,000 per borrower, some 25 million Americans will still have a some balance to pay.

To assist the roughly 45 million Americans who have federal student loan debt, an Education Department spokesperson told USA Today it will “be in direct touch with borrowers and ramping up our communications with servicers well before repayment resumes to ensure borrowers and their families are receiving accurate and timely information about the return to repayment.”

Restarting the loan process won’t be entirely smooth, experts have warned, and borrowers are advised to contact their loan services now to confirm their interest rate, personal information, remaining loan amount and payment plans. Borrowers can expect to receive their bill statements from their loan service providers a few weeks before they are due.