Watch today’s solar eclipse online: North America will miss out, but lunar eclipse next month

Watch today’s solar eclipse online: North America will miss out, but lunar eclipse next month

The final solar eclipse of the year will be visible today (Tuesday, Oct. 25) but viewers in North America will need to go online to catch a glimpse.

The partial eclipse – you will still be able to see a crescent slice of the sun’s light from behind the moon – will be visible across Greenland, Europe, western Asia, northeastern Africa and the Middle East. It will last for about 4 hours, starting around 5 a.m. ET (4 a.m. CT).

Viewers in North America can tune in to a livestream of the eclipse from the Royal Observatory Greenwich or watch their stream below.

The next solar eclipse is April 20, 2023 but it won’t be visible in the U.S. The next time North America will be able to witness a solar eclipse in person is on Oct. 14, 2023.

Lunar eclipse

While the U.S. will miss today’s partial eclipse, it will see a total lunar eclipse on Nov. 8. The eclipse, the last total lunar eclipse for three years, will be visible from Asia, Australia, North America, parts of northern and eastern Europe, and most of South America.

The next total lunar eclipse won’t take place until March 14, 2025.