Watch a family of foxes, mother and two kits, frolic in Birmingham’s Glen Iris neighborhood

Birmingham is an urban oasis, full of wildlife.

That includes a family of red foxes that live on the north side of Red Mountain, near Glen Iris Park and George Ward Park, east of Green Springs Highway.

Mark Taylor and his wife, Lynn, of Homewood, were driving through the Glen Iris neighborhood on Saturday, April 24, when they saw a mother red fox and two offspring, known as kits, pups or cubs.

They watched them go to a grassy area and frolic, with little concern for humans passing by in cars.

Although foxes are primarily nocturnal, the youngsters appeared in the mood for some daytime playtime.

The two kits played with their mother, jumping while she nipped at them to keep them in line, then they tucked their snouts underneath her to nurse.

“They crossed the road in front of us,” Taylor said. “It was remarkable how tame they seemed. We approached in the car and rolled down the window.”

Taylor took more than a minute of video of the foxes frolicking and shared a snippit of it on Reddit.

He’s since heard from others who’ve seen foxes in the area. “They’re celebrities in Glen Iris,” Taylor said.

Taylor said he hopes people allow the foxes their space and don’t bother them. Foxes can carry rabies, although red foxes generally have less than a one percent rate of rabies.

“For a lot of city dwellers, they don’t realize it’s not a good idea to approach wild animals no matter how cute they might seem,” Taylor said.