USC-Cal game delayed due to student protest over professor suspended for stalking, per report

USC-Cal game delayed due to student protest over professor suspended for stalking, per report

A group of students held a protest at midfield in Berkeley on Saturday, delaying the start of the USC-Cal game.

Police told The Orange County Register’s Luca Evans the protestors were taken to jail. Evans reports the students were protesting the suspension of Spanish and Portuguese professor Ivonne de Valle.

According to records obtained by KQED, the university found del Valle had repeatedly harassed, stalked and retaliated against Joshua Clover, an English and Comparative Literature professor at UC Davis, since 2018. In addition, she violated orders not to contact him.

Supporters contend, per the report, del Valle is the victim of harassment and online stalking and plan a hunger strike.

In an interview with KQED, del Valle “acknowledged” keying Clover’s car, vandalizing the area outside his apartment door, contacting his friends as well as calling Clover’s office phone line at least 10 times within 90 minutes.

Check out the full report.