Trevor Noah: Tuberville remark ‘the stuffed crust pizza of racism’

Trevor Noah: Tuberville remark ‘the stuffed crust pizza of racism’

Trevor Noah referred to U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville as a “racism innovator” after the former football coach said Democrats are in favor of “reparation” because they are “pro-crime.”

Tuberville, R-Ala., made the comments while at a rally held by former President Donald Trump in Nevada.

“I’ve heard racists say all kinds of things,” Noah, the host of “The Daily Show” said.

“I’ve heard them say that Black people are criminals, and I’ve heard them say that reparations are reverse racism. But it takes a true racism innovator to combine both ideas at the same time. This is like the stuffed crust pizza of racism. ‘Cause I knew you could have crust, and I knew that you could have cheese. But I didn’t know that you could put the cheese inside the crust that’s holding the rest of the cheese. Because now the crust is holding the cheese at the same time. … It’s genius.”

RELATED: Alabama leaders react to Tuberville’s comments

Tuberville joined Trump and other Republicans speaking at a rally near Lake Tahoe in Nevada.

“They want reparation because they think the people who do the crime are owed that,” Tuberville said as the crowd cheered behind him. “Bullshit!” he added.

Noah did have some questions about just how sound Tuberville’s argument really was.

“How does this argument explain Black people who steal things from other Black people?” Noah questioned. “‘Cause then who’s reparating who? And secondly, how is this man going to stand on stage and imply that all criminals are Black? That is disgusting! Has this senator never watched Netflix? I’m not going to stand here and let Tommy Tuberville erase all these white people’s contributions.”