Tommy Tuberville gives bull excrement a bad name

Tommy Tuberville gives bull excrement a bad name

Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s crude, ignorant, racist, fear-mongering rant about reparations is bull excrement. Apologies to bull excrement. It should be an embarrassment to Alabamians. Sadly, we’ve come to expect it.

As a former Auburn football coach, walking into Black family homes to recruit players must have been hellish for Tubby. Now liberated as an elected Alabama Republican politician, he can finally say what he really thinks about Black people.

R E L A T E D: Tuberville: ‘Pro-crime’ Democrats want ‘reparation’ for ‘people who do the crime’ –

Speaking at a Trump rally in Nevada, Tuberville showed his true colors as he talked about how Democrats are in favor of reparations because they are “pro-crime.”

“They’re not soft on crime. They’re pro-crime. They want crime. They want crime because they want to take over what you got,” Tuberville said. “They want to control what you have. They want reparation because they think the people who do the crime are owed that,” Tuberville said as the crowd cheered. “Bullshit!”

R E L A T E D: Alabama leader reacts to Tommy Tuberville: ‘The bull**** is that this guy is a US Senator’ –

Rep. Chris England, a former Alabama Democratic Party Chair, said on Twitter that the comments were “bullshit”– the same word Tuberville used to describe Democrats’ support of “reparation.”

“There is some bullshit here but it isn’t what (Tuberville) thinks it is. The bullshit is that this guy is a United States Senator in the first place,” England posted.

R E L A T E D: Doug Jones: Tuberville’s ‘racist rant … harkens back to a really dark time’ –

R E L A T E D: Former Auburn star on Tuberville’s ‘reparation’ remark: ‘Unnecessary, dead wrong, ugly’ –

My colleague Roy S. Johnson writes:

“Though the man, the ex-football coach, knows reparations.

“In 2008, following an abysmal 5-7 season at Auburn, Tuberville received $5 million after quitting.

“He then landed a squishy $250,000-a-year (plus benefits) gig as a special assistant to the university president, which he later admitted under sworn deposition, came with no office.

“He also qualified, after ten seasons at Auburn, for a state retirement pension. Based on disclosures previously reported by my colleague Kyle Whitmire, he annually receives $57,638 from Retirement Systems of Alabama.

“Now, that’s reparations gone wrong.”

Read all of Johnson’s column here

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JD Crowe is the cartoonist for Alabama Media Group and He won the RFK Human Rights Award for Editorial Cartoons in 2020. In 2018, he was awarded the Rex Babin Memorial Award for local and state cartoons by the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. Follow JD on Facebook, Twitter @Crowejam and Instagram @JDCrowepix.