The Birthday Fairy makes birthday dreams come true
Once upon a time, there was a birthday fairy. Whenever a child was having a birthday, she would work her magic in the classroom to celebrate the birthday boy or girl. Thanks to her, birthdays at school became much-anticipated events.
The birthday fairy still exists, but now she has lots of helpers throughout the northwest part of Alabama, bringing joy to classrooms as children celebrate special days. In just a couple of years since she started on her mission, Holley Hamm – the original birthday fairy – has created a nonprofit organization with her nickname, and she hopes her project will spread far and wide. The Birthday Fairy “is so doable in other communities,” she says.
It all began when Holley and her family lived in the Turtle Point Village subdivision in Killen, Alabama, which attracts hundreds of trick-or-treaters at Halloween. “It was really a ministry,” she says, noting that kids would come from outside the community for the experience that grew larger every year.
When she and her husband moved out of their neighborhood after buying a lot to build a river home, Holley prayed about what would fill the void in her life after hosting so many themed Halloween celebrations. Her own children were grown. What else could she do with the generosity and creativity she had invested in that project every fall?
Then, two years ago, she had an idea: She would sponsor a friend’s class of 18 students at Harlan Elementary School in Florence and celebrate each child’s birthday with a different theme. She bought them backpacks, pajamas and gifts. The very first child whose birthday she celebrated was a boy who had 13 brothers and sisters. The party at school “was the only party he got,” she says.
Her teacher friend called her “the birthday fairy” because Holley would slip in on the afternoon before the birthday and leave gifts.
“I’m an introvert,” she insists. “I’m not a party person, so it makes no sense that I’m the birthday fairy. Never did I think I’d start a nonprofit.”
The next school year, Holley agreed to be the birthday fairy again, but this time her friend wanted her to do it for all the kindergarteners, not just the one class. “I realized God was working through her,” she says.
Holley thought about it for three weeks, “making every excuse,” until finally she talked about it with a group of friends from her spin class. They all wanted to help her. Not only did they take on kindergarten at Harlan; they added Threadgill Primary School in Sheffield as well.
Holley Hamm, the founder and director of The Birthday Fairy, stands in the “workshop” where the birthday magic happens. (Photo courtesy Holley Hamm)
Their goal is for every child to feel “special, important, meant to be celebrated,” Holley says. “We put their names on everything. We go all-out. We want them to feel so amazing on their birthdays.”
Sororities at the University of North Alabama have gotten involved with The Birthday Fairy, spending hours gluing rhinestones on chair covers. “We have every sorority booked through the end of the school year,” says Holley. “I want them to see the joy in having a servant’s heart.”
In addition to personalized chair covers, each child receives a backpack, a gift bag “full of amazing stuff,” cupcakes from a local bakery, a personalized birthday card and a commemorative medal for boys and a sash for girls. A local florist also provides bouquets for the teachers.
As of this school year, The Birthday Fairy has added Weeden Elementary in Florence. They organization celebrates birthdays of some 300 students, including all the kindergarten classrooms as well as special needs students through fifth grade. Five more schools are on a waiting list.
“This has turned into a full-time job,” says Holley, who has taken on an intern from UNA this semester. “I think it’s going to be a big year for us.”

Wearing her “birthday princess” sash, this kindergarten student shows off her butterfly-themed chair cover and backpack. (Photo courtesy Holley Hamm)
Meanwhile, the Hamms haven’t even started building their house yet. They live in a townhouse in Florence, and they have purchased bought the townhouse next door and turned it into The Birthday Fairy’s headquarters.
“It gives me chills knowing I was so close to saying no,” Holley says. “God has bigger plans for us. This was way bigger than what I ever imagined.”
When she went on a cruise this past January, Holley was telling a new friend sitting next to her about The Birthday Fairy. Now the woman and her daughter are starting something similar where they live in Cleveland, Ohio. “I feel like every community needs this,” Holley says.
Making a difference for children celebrating birthdays has made a difference for Holley, who celebrated her 50th birthday this year. “This has been a life-changing year for me,” she says. “It’s such an amazing thing to figure out what you’re supposed to be doing, why you’re here.”

Wearing her “birthday princess” sash, this kindergarten student shows off her personalized chair cover and backpack. (Photo courtesy Holley Hamm)
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