Thank Alabama Teachers Month: Nominate an educator for free Iron Bowl tickets

Thank Alabama Teachers Month: Nominate an educator for free Iron Bowl tickets

For the third year in a row, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey and State Superintendent Eric Mackey joined others to recognize “Thank Alabama Teachers Month” and note educators’ ongoing efforts.

“Teachers are the real influencers in people’s lives, and as part of Thank Alabama Teachers Month, and together with the Alabama State Board of Education, we are calling on all Alabamians to thank current and past teachers for what they mean to us all,” Mackey said.

Tuesday, Terry Saban attended an event at Montgomery’s G.W. Carver High School. The Nick’s Kids Foundation is giving away two Iron Bowl tickets to two teachers later on in the month.

“As a former educator, I know firsthand that few people can leave an impact on a child’s life like a teacher,” Saban said.

Readers can nominate their favorite Alabama teacher for Iron Bowl tickets at and on the giveaway post on ALSDE’s Instagram page (@alabamaachieves).

The state also has created a “Thank You Generator” tool on its website to suggest other ways to show appreciation.

“Whether that’s local businesses offering teachers in-store discounts or catered lunches, students leaving small gifts on a special teachers’ desksides or people of any age uploading appreciation filled social posts, the method in which you show your appreciation is entirely up to you,” Mackey said. “Help us say ‘thank you’ in your own way.”