Texas Pete hot sauce faces lawsuit for not being made in Texas

Texas Pete hot sauce faces lawsuit for not being made in Texas

Texas Pete hot sauce is facing a class action lawsuit because it isn’t actually made in Texas.

The sauce is made in Winston-Salem, N.C., which the lawsuit claims is false advertising.

Philip White, a California resident, purchased a bottle of Texas Pete in 2021, he believed it was made in Texas, according to the complaint, filed by The Clarkson Law Firm on behalf of White on Sept. 12. in Los Angeles federal court.

According to the USA Today, the lawsuit said White wouldn’t have bought the Louisiana-style hot sauce, or would not have paid as much for it, if he knew its origin.

The complaint alleges the makers knowingly “capitalized on consumers’ desire to partake in the culture and authentic cuisine of one of the most prideful states in America.”

Texas Pete’s website explains where and why the hot sauce is made in North Carolina. The company’s founder, Sam Garner, decided on the name because of the state’s “reputation for spicy cuisine” and as a nod to his son’s nickname.

Mark Heim is a reporter for The Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @Mark_Heim.