Taylor Hicks’ new single, ‘Porch Swing,’ gets a boost on ‘Bobby Bones Show’

Taylor Hicks’ new single, ‘Porch Swing,’ gets a boost on ‘Bobby Bones Show’

Taylor Hicks was looking for the perfect moment to release a new single. Hicks said he found it this week, debuting a new song, “Porch Swing,” on “The Bobby Bones Show.”

As it turns out, Bones is a longtime fan of Hicks’ music. In fact, Bones called himself “the leader of the Soul Patrol” when Hicks showed up on his syndicated radio program to chat and perform.

“I’ve been waiting my whole life for this, Taylor,” Bones said on Monday’s episode. “I was obsessed for like five years. When you would perform, I’d be like, ‘That’s the kind of music I like. That’s the guy.’ … Everything about that dude is what I like musically.”

Bones, 42, and Hicks, 46, have some common ground, courtesy of “American Idol.” Hicks, an Alabama native, came to fame as the Season 5 winner in 2006. Bones was a mentor to contestants on the reality series for four years, 2018-2021.

The two had never met, however, until their encounter on Bones’ show, which originates at WSIX-FM in Nashville. Bones quickly set the tone for the interview, praising Hicks to the hilt and plugging his new song.

“Porch Swing,” recorded at Zac Brown’s Southern Ground studios in Nashville, is part of a collection of songs Hicks has been holding in reserve for at least six years. The delay might be frustrating for fans, but Hicks has his reasons.

“I’m not with a label; I’m an independent artist,” Hicks told AL.com. “I don’t have the payola. I think you have to let the stars align. This was the vehicle I’d been waiting on, to give this kind of music the platform it deserves. This was such a unique and original way to release a song, very grassroots.”

As Hicks explained it, Bones had mentioned him on air in December, recalling Hick’s performances on “Idol” and wondering what he was up to now. Soon afterward, a producer for Bones’ show called Hicks to set up an appearance in 2023. And it certainly didn’t hurt that Hicks and Bones share a mutual friend: Jennifer Wayne of the country trio Runaway June, who wrote “Porch Swing” with Hicks.

When the offer came in, Hicks said, he was happy to oblige. “The Bobby Bones Show” has substantial reach, broadcasting to 170 radio stations in the United States and elsewhere, according to Bones’ profile from Premiere Networks, a subsidiary of iHeartMedia. The show also has a podcast and more than a million followers on various social media platforms.

“Obviously, this is one of the biggest shows in the country, and I was very grateful,” Hicks said. “When you go through your career, the peaks and valleys, you’re very grateful when opportunities like this come up. I really do respect his musical integrity. He’s been able to help true artists in music. He has a big impact on his listeners and followers, and he’s got really great artistic credibility.”

Hicks said he found Bones extremely likable, to boot.

“He’s a great guy, absolutely as nice as he could be,” Hicks continued. “He’s someone I could watch SEC football with, easily. And that’s saying something, for a guy from Alabama.”

On the show, Hicks and Bones talked about playing the harmonica — Hicks says he bought his first harp at a flea market in Bessemer — and Hicks fielded a few questions from listeners. (Example: When did Hicks’ hair turn gray? At age 16, he said. Would Hicks play a wedding for $20,000? “Anything’s possible,” he said.)

The emphasis, however, was on giving listeners an introduction to “Porch Swing,” Hicks’ follow-up to a 2017 single, “Six Strings & Diamond Rings.” He performed both tunes on Bones’ show, backed by two guitarists.

Hicks said the songs originally were pegged for a full-length studio album, and that’s still likely to happen. The release date remains TBA — we can hear fans groaning now — but Hicks said being patient and strategic with his material is the right decision.

“Chris Stapleton, Tyler Childers and other great country singer-songwriters have paved the way for this kind of music,” Hicks said. “I want to put my best foot forward as an artist.”

Although “Porch Swing” is a new release for Hicks, folks who watched him perform in a 2021 movie, “Stars Fell on Alabama,” heard a snippet of the song in the film.

“A little slice of ‘Porch Swing’ was in the movie when I did a cameo,” Hicks said. “People started contacting me, trying to find out where they could get ‘Porch Swing.’ That was kind of my test market for the song.”

READ MORE: Taylor Hicks lauds ‘good ol’ Southern charm’ of indie movie, ‘Stars Fell on Alabama’

“Porch Swing” combines craft with emotion, Hicks said, and provides a storytelling moment for listeners.

“I love the strength of the writing and the catchiness of the song,” Hicks said. “I definitely think it’s a love song, the kind of song that takes you back to that first love, your first kiss on a porch swing.”

Hicks plans to include “Porch Swing” in his concert setlists from now on, and perform it on a tour of military bases organized by Armed Forces Entertainment. Hicks will be overseas March 4-14, according to the AFE website, playing for U.S. troops in Southwest Asia.

“We’ll be bringing the Southern roadhouse to the bases overseas,” Hicks said. “It’s a great gig for the band. I’m excited and proud.”