Sweater weather warning for Alabama next week

Sweater weather warning for Alabama next week

Been eager for sweater weather? Fall will be in full force next week across Alabama.

A blast of cold air is expected to arrive behind a cold front early next week, and it will send low temperatures into the 30s (maybe even the 20s) in some areas on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, according to the National Weather Service.

The front is expected to begin to move through Alabama on Sunday night into Monday morning, reaching the coast by Monday night, according to the weather service. It will bring another chance for rain, but rainfall amounts look to be much lighter than this week.

However, the weather service in Mobile warned that stronger storm or two won’t be out of the question for south Alabama overnight Sunday into Monday.

Colder air will spill into Alabama starting on Monday, and the weather service in Birmingham said temperatures on Tuesday will be more like winter than fall for those in north and central Alabama.

Look for cool temperatures to persist through at least part of the week. The weather service said Wednesday night into Thursday morning currently looks like the coldest night for some areas, so look for frost or freeze warnings to be possible since the growing season is technically still ongoing.

Here are the lows expected by early Tuesday morning:

Cold air will be in the process of invading Alabama by Tuesday morning. Here are the forecast lows.

Highs on Tuesday will also be on the chilly side and may not make it into the 60s in some parts of the state:

Tuesday highs

Forecast highs for Tuesday.

Wednesday and Thursday mornings will be the coldest. Places in north and central Alabama could drop below freezing, and temperatures statewide — even into south Alabama — will be in the 30s or right at 40, according to forecasters.

Thursday morning’s low temperature forecast is at the top of this post. And here are the forecast lows for Tuesday night into Wednesday morning:

Wednesday forecast lows

Here are the forecast lows for Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.

Temperatures are expected to begin to warm up a little after Thursday morning.

What’s on the horizon? There’s a good chance that cooler-than-average temperatures could persist for a few more days. Here’s the 6- to 10-day temperature outlook from NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, and it shows a higher probability of below normal temperatures for the state through Oct 23.

Temperature outlook

The six- to 10-day outlook shows a high probability of below-average temperatures for Alabama.