Southern Baptist church sex abuse investigation ends with no Justice Department prosecutions

Southern Baptist church sex abuse investigation ends with no Justice Department prosecutions

The U.S. Department of Justice has wrapped up its nearly-two-year investigation of the Southern Baptist Convention’s leadership, declining to bring charges after looking into how the denomination handled a sexual abuse scandal, The Tennessean reports.

In August 2022, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination announced federal investigators were looking into multiple Southern Baptist Convention “entities” in connection with how they handled allegations of abuse in individual churches and institutions.

The DOJ concluded its probe last week without charging any SBC leaders, the report states.

“On February 29, 2024, counsel for the SBC Executive Committee was informed that the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York concluded its investigation into the EC (executive committee) with no further action to be taken,” SBC Executive Committee interim president/CEO Jonathan Howe said in statement following a request for comment.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York declined to comment.

Howe did not comment on whether other SBC-affiliated agencies, or entities, are still under investigation.

The investigation began after a scathing 288-page investigative report issued in May 2022 showed convention’s leaders stonewalled and denigrated survivors of clergy sex abuse over almost two decades while seeking to protect their own reputations.

The report named 34 Alabama ministers.