Social Security payments: Here’s when this month’s benefits averaging $2,000 will hit

Social Security recipients will receive their benefits on three consecutive Wednesdays in March.

The first payment going to people with a birth date from the first to the 10th of the month will receive their benefits on the second Wednesday of the month, or March 13. Those with birthdates between the 11th or the 20th of the month will receive their benefits on the third Wednesday (March 20); people born on the 21st -31st of the month will be paid on the fourth Wednesday (March 26).

READ MORE: Higher Social Security payments, back pay for 3.2 million people: Who qualifies?

Supplemental Social Security recipients received their March payment on Friday, March 1. People who received Social Security before May 1997 or those who received both SSI and Social Security received two separate payments – SSI on the 1st and Social Security on the 3rd.

SSI pays benefits to senior citizens, people who are blind and those with a qualifying disability who have very low incomes.

Payment schedules will remain the same through April but will have a slight alteration in May when SSI recipients will get two payments, one on May 1st and another on May 31st since the date for June’s payments – Saturday, June 1 – falls on a Saturday.

You can see the complete list of payment dates here.

According to the Social Security Administration, the average Social Security retirement benefit is $1,976 per month. The maximum monthly SSI payment for 2025 is $967 for an individual and $1,450 for a couple.

Some 73 million people receive Social Security and/or SSI.