Shelby County man, 61, held on $1 million bond after child porn arrest

Shelby County man, 61, held on $1 million bond after child porn arrest

A Chelsea man is being held on $1 million bond after his arrest on child pornography charges.

James Edward Franklin Jr., 61, is charged with four counts of distribution of obscene material of a child, Homewood police announced Monday.

Homewood’s Special Investigation Unit took Franklin into custody Friday at his home. Additional details about the allegations against him have not been released.

Sgt. John Carr said the man’s arrest is part of an ongoing investigation by Homewood police and the FBI’s Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force.

The Alabama Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office and the Shelby County District Attorney’s Office assisted in the investigation.

Carr said more charges are expected.