Semmes holds town hall meeting ahead of Mobile’s annexation attempt

Semmes holds town hall meeting ahead of Mobile’s annexation attempt

The city of Semmes is hosting a town hall meeting this evening to discuss Mobile’s ongoing efforts to annex new territory.

“The city of Mobile plans to soon annex many large sections of the map surrounding Semmes,” a Facebook post announcing the meeting reads. “This will block our continual growth and limit many future aspects of our City.”

The town hall meeting starts at 6 p.m. in Semmes City Hall (One Main Street, Semmes).

Last month, the city of Mobile released four potential annexation maps detailing areas that could be annexed into the city. Which option, if any, the city opts for remains to be seen: the city administration, the Mobile City Council and stakeholders will all give input before a final map is chosen, and then the council would have to vote to authorize an election.

Still, the city of Semmes is worried that Mobile’s annexation effort could block Semmes growth. Semmes, which incorporated in 2011, has almost doubled in size in the last decade: According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the city went from 2,900 people when it first incorporated to 5,200 today. The city recently hired its first five police officers and opened a new public safety complex as well as a new city hall (where tonight’s town hall meeting will be).