Seasonal affective disorder is more than “winter blues”

Seasonal affective disorder is more than “winter blues”

Seasonal affective disorder is like a “holiday guest that’s overstayed their welcome,” said Huntsville resident Katie Hall with a laugh.

“I always kind of make the joke that my normal depression invites seasonal depression to come and stay with it for a few months” and messes up the house, Hall said.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that has similar symptoms to major depressive disorder but is only present at certain times of the year, typically around the fall and winter months, according to Dr. Megan Hays, an associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Heersink School of Medicine.

Hays noted a difference between SAD and the “winter blues,” which occurs when the stressors of the holiday season and shorter daylight hours can sour moods. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) describes SAD as “significant changes in your mood and behavior when the seasons change.”

SAD can happen at changes with other seasons too, but is more prevelant going into winter, according to NIH.

Some of the more troubling symptoms of SAD include intense feelings of hopelessness, sleep disruption, and suicidal thoughts, Hays said.

Hall struggles with depression throughout the year, but during the winter months, she said her symptons included intense feelings of loneliness and extreme fatigue.

“I will be extremely tired all day long no matter what I do, no matter how much sleep I get, how much caffeine I intake,” Hall said. She also experiences muscle aches and tension.

Huntsville resident Melody Young said she only experiences depression during the winter months and that she doesn’t “hate life” during the warmer times of the year.

“I love my life. I love my hobbies. I love my family. I love my friends. Why do I feel sad sometimes?” Young wondered for over a decade until she spoke with a doctor who diagnosed her with SAD several years ago.

According to the NIH, other symptoms include memory or concentration issues and changes in appetite or weight. Researchers are still determining the cause of SAD. There are links to a reduction in serotonin, the brain chemical that regulates mood, and vitamin D deficiency, both due to reduced levels of sun exposure.

“A lot of research points towards light because light is actually the primary regulator of our bodies’ biological clock or circadian rhythm,” Hays said.

Treatment for SAD can include anti-depressants and phototherapy. Hays said phototherapy or light therapy is as simple as spending more time outside or using a lightbox with at least 10,000 lux. Hall and Young go outside and use lightboxes throughout their home and workplace and noticed mood improvements.

Hall said she increases vitamin D with supplements, incorporates physical activity into her daily routine, and sees a therapist.

“I am a huge advocate for therapy,” Hall said. “I wish that everyone in the world had a therapist, because you can only really benefit from it.”

Young said tracking her symptoms throughout the year is a helpful long-term project, along with seeing a doctor and pursuing the proper treatment.

“Just trusting your gut and knowing that you need to listen to little cues that your body or your mind might be telling you, that’s key,” Young said.

Hays said socialization and staying connected with friends and family can help with SAD.

“We know that even if you don’t feel like it, getting some emotional support and being around others can help combat feelings of isolation,” Hays said.


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