Ross Bridge HOA serves eviction notice to pet tortoise as residents rally around Fred
Fred has been in Jayden Cannon’s backyard in Ross Bridge for eight years without a complaint.
Until Wednesday, when Jayden, a 17-year-old rising senior at Hoover High School, was warned by the Ross Bridge Homeowners’ Association that Fred needs to leave the community, the teen told
Fred hasn’t been late on HOA dues or causing fights with neighbors or making excessive noise.
Fred is being served with an eviction notice because he is a Sulcata tortoise — a reptile among the list of unacceptable pets at Ross Bridge, according to Jayden and his family.
Efforts to reach the Ross Bridge HOA were unsuccessful.
Jayden said he and his family, who have lived in Ross Bridge for 13 years, have “no idea” who made the complaint, “but we think they just saw him in the neighborhood, and someone reported it.”
The teen became interested in the idea of a pet tortoise when his brother showed him a video of the reptile in action.
On Christmas 2015, Jayden asked his parents for a tortoise. Fred has been a loyal friend since then.
“He’s ok with me touching him. But anyone else, he’s shy,” Jayden said.
The tortoise has even saved the teen from having to mow the backyard due to his snacking habits.
“I haven’t had to cut the grass in three years,” said Jayden.
Funds are being raised to help Jayden fight the Ross Bridge HOA.
He said he believes he has a strong case because he got Fred before the HOA banned tortoises, adding that other Ross Bridge residents have unapproved pets like ferrets and snakes.
“We should be grandfathered in,” he said. “I think we’ll work it out with the HOA.”
Jayden Cannon with Fred the tortoise
An Instagram page – save_fredthetortoise – has been created to rally supporters, and $1,200 has been raised for legal fees through pre-sales of Save Fred t-shirts, Jayden said.
Any leftover funds will be used for a party for Ross Bridge residents to meet Fred.
Residents from Hoover and beyond have rallied around Jayden.
“A mild, meek, super sweet pet tortoise named Fred has been with a family for 8 years. He stays in his backyard, and is a superstar with the neighborhood children (& parents). Because “tortoise” is not on the “approved pets” list, “The Home Owners Association” (aka HOA) has asked Fred’s family to get rid of him!!” posted Hoover resident Lynn Lindsey on Facebook.
She called the eviction notice “a travesty.”
Mountain Brook resident Rob Conrad, who showed off his own pet tortoise, Miss Dickey, also displayed his support for Jayden.
“It’s an outrage that the Ross Bridge HOA wants Fred the Tortoise evicted. Help save Fred and keep him with his family, Miss Dickie is going to help Fred by spreading the word,” he wrote on Facebook.
Jayden said he is optimistic the event won’t be a sendoff for Fred, who would stay with Jayden’s father in Helena if the HOA evicts the tortoise.
Whatever the result, Jayden said the outpouring of support has been heartwarming.
“I think it’s awesome,” he said. “I think it’s really, really cool.”