Ron DeSantis to Alabama GOP: Be like Florida, drop income tax
Alabama ought to be like its neighbor and do away with its state income tax, Florida Gov. and potential 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis told the state GOP’s Winter Dinner on Thursday during a speech that took aim at popular conservative targets like President Biden, Anthony Fauci and Disney.
“We don’t have a state income tax. You guys should try it,” DeSantis told the crowd at the Finley Center in Hoover, according to 1819 News Executive Editor Jeff Poor.
DeSantis, expected to be Donald Trump’s main rival for the Republican nomination for president in 2024 should he enter the race, was the featured guest at the Alabama GOP’s $250 per person Winter Dinner.
The Finley Center in Hoover, where the Alabama Republican Party held its Winter Dinner on Thursday with featured guest Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
The event was closed to the press.
During his speech to the state party, DeSantis defended his position against lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic in contrast with Fauci, the former director of the of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who was the government’s public face of dealing with the virus.
“We chose freedom over Faucism,” DeSantis said, according to Poor. “Florida served as the biggest roadblock to Fauci’s ambitions.”
Florida’s governor also hit Biden on the situation on the border with Mexico.
“If Biden wants to get serious about the southern border, I’ll send my team and get that wall built,” said DeSantis.
The governor highlighted his retribution against Disney over the company’s opposition to the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill by taking away the corporation’s autonomy in Florida.
“You have no right to force the citizens of Florida to subsidize your work activism,” the governor said.