Rest in peace again, Alabama Democratic Party

Rest in peace again, Alabama Democratic Party

Death by donkey dysfunction.

Maybe a unicorn would be a better symbol for Alabama Democrats than a dead fake donkey. Dead fake donkeys don’t spark much joy. But a multi-colored joyful one-horned unicorn? That’s a win, right?

Nope. Never mind. Democratic Party boss Joe Reed would have a problem with that, too.

Rest in peace for the umpteenth time, Alabama Democratic Party.

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Kyle Whitmire writes:

If this is how the Alabama Democratic Party functions, perhaps it’s better that Republicans control Alabama.

And with this level of dysfunction within the Alabama Democratic Party, Republicans always will.

On Saturday, the state party’s executive committee met, in a manner of speaking. It’s not clear a quorum was present, and at least a couple of dozen committee members were turned away, and at least a couple of dozen committee members were turned away,

Next, the party voted to abolish several caucuses by a vote count that appears to have been made up and doesn’t come close to pictures of the standing vote taken by a reporter.

Youth caucus — gone.

LGBTQ caucus — gone.

Disable caucus— gone.

Until today, those caucuses had the power to nominate at-large members to ensure representation proportionate to Alabama Democratic voters.

But not anymore. The party’s Black caucus, controlled by the Alabama Democratic Conference and led by state party boss Joe Reed, had opposed the other caucuses, which dilute ADC’s influence on the executive committee.

“What happened today — what the leadership of the Alabama Democratic Party did — was to essentially say that we don’t represent the Democratic electorate in Alabama anymore,” former U.S. Senator Doug Jones said after the meeting.

Read all of Whitmire’s column here

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JD Crowe is the cartoonist for Alabama Media Group and He won the RFK Human Rights Award for Editorial Cartoons in 2020. In 2018, he was awarded the Rex Babin Memorial Award for local and state cartoons by the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. Follow JD on Facebook, Twitter @Crowejam and Instagram @JDCrowepix.