Residents can get non-violent failure to appear cases behind them with Amnesty Week
The Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office is holding Amnesty Week Aug. 7-11 at the Jefferson County Courthouse Criminal Justice Center for residents with failure to appear warrants for misdemeanors and other non-violent crimes.
The types of failure to appear cases that could be recalled include traffic cases, misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies. New court dates can be set and outstanding court fees or fines for failure to appear at a previous hearing can be waived.
Made possible by a partnership between the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office, the public defender’s office, and the courts, Amnesty Week was created as a “show of good faith” between Jefferson County residents and the courts.
Community members who want to check if they are eligible to participate in Amnesty Week or want to learn more about the event can call the public defender’s hotline for more information at 205-307-7021 from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. on weekdays.
Amnesty week organizers stressed the goal of the event is to build trust between community members and the courts, saying no one with a failure to appear warrant for a nonviolent crime will be arrested.
District Attorney Danny Carr, who has helped organize the event, said Amnesty week is an opportunity to allow residents to take care of their warrants and get them off their back.