Rep. Mike Rogers says he was never ‘actively working with Democrats’ to elect House speaker

Rep. Mike Rogers says he was never ‘actively working with Democrats’ to elect House speaker

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Alabama, said he is “strongly opposed” to a coalition government following the failed nomination of Rep. Jim Jordan for speaker of the House and his initial refusal to support the Ohio congressman.

After Jordan’s nomination was first announced, Rogers told reporters on Oct. 13 that there was nothing that Jordan could do to earn his support.

The Alabama representative reportedly told Bloomberg News that Republicans may have to work with the opposing party to elect a speaker.

“They put us in this ditch along with eight traitors,” Rogers said, referring to GOP members who ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy. “We’re still the majority party, we’re willing to work with them, but they gotta tell us what they need.”

Rogers faced intense backlash for his comment, including by many members of his own party and in social media posts calling for his constituents to call his office.

Now, Rogers, who ultimately ended up voting for Jordan, said he was proud to support the congressman from Ohio.

Jordan’s bid for speaker failed Friday after losing three votes. House Republicans voted in a secret ballot after the 86-112 defeat on the House floor to remove Jordan as their nominee.

“I was proud to support conservative leader Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House. America spoke last November – Republicans are in the majority in the House and we should elect a Republican Speaker with Republican votes. I am and have always been strongly opposed to any attempt to form a coalition government with Democratic support,” Rogers said in a statement to

His office is also denying that there was ever any support for a Democratic coalition. And while Rogers hasn’t signaled support for a new speaker nomination, his communications director said his choice ultimately will be a conservative Republican.

“Any storyline stating that Rogers was or is actively working with Democrats to elect a compromise Speaker is categorically false,” Rogers’ Communications Director Carrie Cole added.

“Rogers made comments last week in frustration following a GOP meeting that were carried far and wide and misconstrued. There was never any intent on the part of Congressman Rogers to convey that he would help elect anyone but a conservative Republican for Speaker.”