Public may get another chance to weigh in on Birminghamâs updated towing ordinance
It will be at least another month before Birmingham City Council is able to vote on an updated towing ordinance, according to Julie Bernard of the city attorney’s office.
“We should have it by the next transportation committee [meeting] because we still have some more tweaks and I have to clean things up and make sure everything kind of meshes together,” Bernard said at the city’s July 10 transportation committee meeting.
Required uniform lot signage for those who tow or boot and additional enforcement of the signage and other ordinance regulations from the Birmingham Department of Transportation (BDOT) were all discussed in this week’s meeting as likely additions to the new ordinance.
Before the council votes on the new ordinance, Bernard recommended to the committee that they hold a second public hearing early next month to discuss the most recent updates with Birmingham drivers.
While City Councilor Darrell O’ Quinn previously said a draft of the new ordinance might be ready for this week’s meeting, Bernard said it will take the city attorney’s office until the next transportation committee meeting on July 24 to incorporate all of the feedback they received from the city’s first public hearing for towing victims in early June.