Pro-annexation “One Mobile PAC” heavily supported by business community

Pro-annexation “One Mobile PAC” heavily supported by business community

The One Mobile political action committee, the primary fundraiser and campaign operation in favor of annexation, has received considerable financial support from Mobile’s business community, campaign finance records from the Alabama Secretary of State’s office show.

The PAC is closely linked to the city of Mobile administration and Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson, who himself is a former businessman.

By far the largest donation to the PAC has come from the National Association of Realtors, who donated $20,000 to the PAC last week. The donation was requested by the Mobile Area Association of Realtors, Charlie Plyler, president of the MAAR, said.

“We think going over 200,000 would be a good thing,” Plyler said. “I think [annexation] would help people in west Mobile with police and fire protection, and it would help with homeowner’s insurance.”

“While I can’t speak for the realtors’ association, it’s clear that realtors – who pay a lot of attention to property values – believe that annexation makes these neighborhoods stronger and more appealing to homebuyers,” Stephen Worley, a spokesperson for the PAC, said in an email.