Plastic surgeon loses Alabama medical license for sexual misconduct

Plastic surgeon loses Alabama medical license for sexual misconduct

Members of the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners last week revoked the license of a plastic surgeon in west Alabama who had sex with patients and harassed a female member of his staff, according to board documents.

Dr. Robert Pearce Bolling of Fayette lost his license on Oct. 26, months after it had been suspended following allegations that he kissed and grabbed an employee against her wishes. Bolling pleaded guilty in July 2021 to misdemeanor harassment in district court and received a sentence of 90 days in jail and one year of probation.

“Respondent has admitted to some of the most serious breaches of professional ethics that a physician can commit,” according to the license revocation by the Board of Medical Examiners. “Even if we were to conclude that Respondent is presently able to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients, his admitted wrongdoing would warrant a very serious disciplinary response. Revocation of Respondent’s license is plainly warranted based on his admitted wrongdoing of having sexual relations with five patients.”

The case was first reported by CBS 42 in June. The employee said she told Bolling to stop touching and grabbing her at a party in 2020, but the doctor did not comply until she yelled and slapped him. The employee later said another staff member called to ask if she would accept money in exchange for not pressing charges or filing a complaint.

The board unearthed more cases of inappropriate conduct after the employee made her complaint, according to medical board documents. Board members determined that Bolling had sex with at least five patients and once exchanged Botox for sex. He also had sex with at least three employees or colleagues. Bolling could not be reached for comment.

The board temporarily suspended Bolling’s license in May. Although Bolling was evaluated and treated for addiction issues, the board found that he cannot safely practice medicine. Sex between doctors and patients is prohibited and relationships with employees are often considered improper.

The revocation document contained details about Bolling’s behavior stretching back more than 20 years. The plastic surgeon first received his medical license in 2001 and practiced in Baldwin County before moving to Fayette in west Alabama in 2011.

Bolling admitted to having sex with five patients between 2014 and 2017. He had given tummy tucks to two of the women, Botox to another two women and did a breast enhancement on another woman.

Bolling said he had not treated any of the patients in the last two years and that there was no power difference involved in relationships with employees, according to board documents. He failed a polygraph test on a question about whether he had ever inappropriately touched or fondled patients during examinations or treatment, the document said.

Bolling said he had relationships with the women years after he treated them, according to the document. The allegations against him did not come to light until his employee filed the complaint about his actions at a staff party.

In the document, board members said Bolling’s problematic behavior began in 2000.

“Respondent’s problems with sexual impulsivity are severe and longstanding, and that rehabilitation from these issues will require formidable and sustained efforts on Respondent’s part,” the document said.

Bolling must pay $20,000 in fines to the board plus the costs of the investigation. He must wait at least one year and receive more treatment before he can petition for his license to be reinstated.