Observer finds love with LaShe’s and Fifty Funny Fellows

Observer finds love with LaShe’s and Fifty Funny Fellows

The Masked Observer has seen a few mystic societies that decided to improvise their tableaux (Yes, we’re looking at you, Fifty Funny Fellows. But we’ll get to that.), so he was a little apprehensive when the saucy LaShe’s chose “Just Wing It!” for its 2023 theme. However, some of you may remember a decade ago when the krewe threw what still stands as the greatest Valentine’s night soiree in Carnival history. So it was no surprise the the ladies’ 33rd annual spectacle was anything but slapdash as they took their guests on a mythical journey filled with fairies, led by the exuberant Shelby Mitchell at the mic.

The LaShe’s Queen Robin marched in to begin the festivities with an impressive purple and silver train, so massive that it took six marshals to help her mount and dismount the stage, which featured a medieval backdrop with the tantalizing slogan “Dum Vivimus Vivamus.” Ever the bibliophile, Floral Headpiece assuaged Dark Hallway’s furrowed brow by translating the Latin: While we live, let us live.” To which the surly centurion replied, “If I’m going to live my best life, point me to the meat bar.”

The float groups were introduced at a smooth pace, prancing through piles of confetti across the Civic Center arena, before the dramatic arrival of Emblem Janie, the Broadway Show Girl, who descended from the rafters on a glowing half-moon before shedding her wings and kicking up her heels to the traditional “New York, New York” Sinatra opener. Speaking of the arena dance floor, this is the usual place in our season-long reportage to single out the reprehensible surface.

To that point, one escort was overheard reminding a guest that drinks weren’t allowed on the dance floor. “We’ve started calling it ‘the trampoline,’” he said. “And I promise the last thing you want to do is add liquid to it.” The patrons’s communal safety breathed a unified word of thanks.

Risking injuries to her ankles and derriere is just the sort of chance Floral Headpiece likes to take, and she couldn’t wait to join the ladies to celebrate wingdom and wobble-dom with Category 6 and The Band U.S. True to his own Mardi Gras predilections, Dark Hallway lit out to roam the teeming halls in search of sustenance. The vittles were particularly delectable in the Queen’s Room, which featured a full breakfast bar, so Hallway convinced the Observer to present a Mellow MoonPie to the abundant chicken and waffles, which were a fresh and tasty surprise.

Fifty Funny Fellows

The Crewe d’Observe always enjoys the Fifty Funny Fellows’ no-holds-barred tableau. And it was just last year that Floral Headpiece ladled effusive praise on the non-parading group for its 2022 theme, “Flash Back Mobile,” in which the merry Fellows reminded the audience of all of the things that are now distant memories for Mobilians. Those evocations included Duck Boats, Mysticks hockey and the beleaguered BayBears baseball team. But as good as the Fellows were at plucking favorite memories out of their city’s past, what the group gave their supporters in honor of its 96th anniversary ball was unquestionably forgettable.

What should have been a humorous concept — four friends touring the world in search of the ultimate party — was dulled via an incoherent, unceasing and unrehearsed script that even the participants seemed less than interested in presenting.

“When the transition takes two or three minutes and everyone appears lost, the funny part gets lost as well,” Floral Headpiece whispered, as the crowd watched the Fellows’s antics in bewilderment. But she did utter a guffaw when U.S. presidents No. 45 and 46 randomly wandered into the tableau, with Donald T. holding a “Make ME Great Again!” sign and Joseph B. towing a couple of less-than-discreet weather balloons.

“What a long, strange trip it’s been,” Dark Hallway mused as the wanderers roamed from the Pamplona bull run to the Blarney Stone, Oktoberfest and the Burning Man festival before finally arriving in Mobile for Mardi Gras, with Blow House Band enthusiastically crashing the party. Queen Rachel, radiant in a white, off-the-shoulder gown, was serene in the midst of confetti explosions and doubloon tornadoes emanating from from recycled Crown Royal bags. A young woman of incredible intelligence and class, who has dedicated her life to bettering the lives of animals, the queen seemed to enjoy every vim and volley.

Despite the historical hit-or-(only sometimes)-miss nature of the Fellows’s tableaux, what’s never in doubt is the group’s tremendous ability to party, and when the fuse was lit, all in attendance were headed into the clouds, even if it took a while for the powder to catch. One of the most memorable lines of the night was uttered by a tan lad leaving the dance floor, sans date: “Even if love isn’t in the cards, a great party is a thing of joy forever.”

The Masked One was laughing when he awarded a Mellow MoonPie to the Fellows for its inclusion of one of the most famous local celebrities — the Crichton Leprechaun — in its procession. And he couldn’t deny the spirited way the revelers flooded the arena once the pounding rhythms of D Play and Doctor Zarr’s Amazing Funk Monster raced to the rafters. Big band music compliments of Reverb Show Band completed the soundscape in the front hall, which was a lovely backdrop for the dozens of guests who took advantage of the nearby free photo booth with a bevy of whimsical props.