News from Mobile: five stories from last week worth your time

News from Mobile: five stories from last week worth your time

Among the many important local stories last week in the Mobile area, here are five you might have missed:

· In our Sunday Q&A (today) Penelope House Executive Director Tonie Ann Torrans talks about how to be an ally to a victim – and not just during Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

· Just 40 miles north of Mobile, hundreds of McIntosh residents are suing a chemical plant for multiple releases of dangerous chlorine gas into their atmosphere. The Lede’s Margaret Kates reported on the lawsuits no one wants to talk about.

· Not all high-paying jobs require a degree. Kates reported on the 10 highest payers without going to college.

· Are you checking out the Lede College Football Picks contest? It’s published every Friday.

· In the Lede’s continuing coverage of what happens in Mobile after the recent annexation, Kates reported on efforts being made to re-divide the city council districts to make them more equitable.

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