Nate Oats has ‘ton of respect’ for Nick Saban; two coaches talked Monday night

Nate Oats has ‘ton of respect’ for Nick Saban; two coaches talked Monday night

When speaking Monday about the recent arrest of now-suspended football player Tony Mitchell, Nick Saban said, “there’s no such thing as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

The comment was immediately interpreted by some as a shot at Alabama men’s basketball coach Nate Oats, who made a similar comment about Brandon Miller in February and later apologized for it.

But later that night, Oats and Saban spoke to clear up any confusion.

“He and I talked that night,” Oats said Thursday in Louisville as his team prepared for the Sweet 16 of the NCAA tournament. “I didn’t take it that way at all. I got a ton of respect for Coach.

“I said, my opening press conference when I got hired at Alabama, that he may be the best coach for team sports in modern sports history. I mean, when I was a high school coach back in Romulus, I had a whole section of Saban quotes in our practice plan. I still have it. I probably use them a little less now that we’re here had, and they get plenty of Saban quotes just in the regular media.

“I’ve got a ton of respect for him. He has been tremendously supportive of our program since he has got here. He says it all the time. He wants the entire athletic department to do well. He has been at multiple games this year.”

Alabama shared photos Wednesday of Saban visiting basketball practice before the Tide departed for its Friday game against San Diego State.

“He was good. Players loved it,” Oats said Thursday. “He and I have got a great relationship, and I’m really thankful for the support that he has given us and continues to give us with the basketball program at Alabama.”

As Oats spoke Thursday in Louisville, Saban spoke to reporters in Tuscaloosa at Alabama’s pro day addressing the same situation.

“There’s nothing to clarify,” Saban said. “I don’t watch basketball coaches’ press conferences. I haven’t watched basketball coaches’ press conferences in … how many years have I been coaching? You know? Never watched one. Never listened to what other people say.

“That was strictly about our program and what we do. It had nothing to do with anybody else. I don’t make any comments about anybody else. We hope the basketball team does really, really well.”

Alabama star freshman Brandon Miller was asked Thursday about Saban’s visit.

“It was a great experience in practice for me I can say because I always grew up being an Alabama football fan, so Coach Saban has always been a great role model for me,” he said. “It was just great just seeing him an arm’s length away from me.”

Mike Rodak is an Alabama beat reporter for Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @mikerodak.