Mobile’s population, Trump’s money, Auburn’s plays: Down in Alabama

Mobile’s population, Trump’s money, Auburn’s plays: Down in Alabama

Notice how much political news there is going around for a July during a non-election year?

Redistricting, the Space Command decision/indecision, annexation in Mobile, a simmering GOP primary, Tommy Tuberville’s military-promotion blockade and more.

We’ll touch on a few of those below and in the “More Alabama News” links section for those of you who can’t get enough politics. Enjoy.

Mobile is No. 2

Suddenly, there are a whole lot more Mobile residents.’s John Sharp reports that a special election has resulted in the annexation of three areas into Mobile — the Cottage Hill Corridor as well as the King’s Branch and Orchard Creek areas.

The additions come with 19,789 new residents. That pushes Mobile’s population past Birmingham’s and Montgomery’s and makes the Port City the second-largest in the state behind only Huntsville.

Space Command and … abortion

There could be fallout from the federal government’s U.S. Space Command indecision in the form of legislation.’s Lee Roop reports that Congressman Robert Aderholt, an Alabama Republican, has introduced a measure that would stop the government from building, buying or leasing public buildings based on the availability of abortion services.

In the debate over where to place Space Command’s permanent headquarters (Huntsville’s Redstone Arsenal at one time seemed the chosen destination), Colorado lawmakers have made the argument that Alabama’s Human Life Protection Act would negatively affect staffers seeking abortions.

Donating to Donald

Here in Alabama, we still give Donald Trump a lot of money.’s Ramsey Archibald reports that the former president is easily leading the fundraising game among Alabama donors with $381,000 so far. He’s pulled in 80% of the number of individual donations and 65% of the dollars donated.

Distantly following Trump in total dollars received is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ($62,000) and then U.S. Senator Tim Scott, both Republicans. In the number of individual donations, Trump is trailed by Scott and then former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

Calling plays

You know, it happens to the best of us. We get a little older, we’re focused more on the big picture, we might lose a little edge on some details. Then we sign a huge deal with an SEC football power and hire guys to do the play-calling for us.

For a minute did you think I was talking about you?’s Matt Cohen reports that Auburn coach Hugh Freeze, speaking at SEC Media Days, said he is beyond his best play-calling days. And he’s had some good ones.

But this week he even took part of the blame for some of his losses at Liberty: “I haven’t felt like I was quite on my game, but I could still manage a game and figure out a way to win.”

Freeze said he hired former Tulsa head coach Philip Montgomery specifically for calling plays.

We are 45 days from the Auburn and Alabama season openers.

Seen in Alabama

Kurt Russell was seen trucking down a Marshall County Road during filming for “The Rivals of Amziah King,” the film that has also brought Matthew McConaughey to Alabama.

More Alabama news

On this date

1941: The first class of Tuskegee Airmen commenced training at the Tuskegee Institute.

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