Mobile residents tout ‘Love is Inclusion’ signs as counter to anti-LGBTQ rhetoric

Mobile residents tout ‘Love is Inclusion’ signs as counter to anti-LGBTQ rhetoric

Mobile residents across the city have posted bright blue signs with the phrase “Love is Inclusion” in their yards, in the hopes of showing support for the LGBTQ community and getting the attention of city officials.

Dee Jordan, a retired teacher, came up with the idea for the signs with a group of friends in her neighborhood. Jordan says they were sitting around a dining room table, talking about the rancor and the rhetoric around LGBTQ issues when she said, “Love is inclusion.”

“A group of us got together. I was wearing a bright blue shirt,” Jordan said. “I said, let’s make a sign and use these bright colors, this cobalt blue.”

The idea behind the signs was not only to spread their message, but to get the attention of Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson. Underneath the phrase “Love is Inclusion” is “One Mobile,” Stimpson’s slogan since he first campaigned in 2013.

Jordan says the idea for the signs came before Stimpson’s decision to discontinue the two LGBTQ liaison positions in August. In a statement, Stimpson said that ending the positions was due to concern that there wasn’t a liaison for other groups in the city.