Mobile police mourn loss of 'beloved' K9, Pedro

Mobile police mourn loss of ‘beloved’ K9, Pedro

Mobile police are mourning the loss of a beloved K9, Pedro, who died on Monday at the age of 9. The cause of death is unknown, according to a police spokeswoman.

Pedro served in the department for five years and performed over 300,000 vehicle searches for explosives at the Alabama Cruise Terminal. He also conducted mor than 300 searches for explosives at various events around the city including football games, city council meetings, and concerts. Additionally, he assisted surrounding agencies with over 100 searches, according to police.

Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson recognized the K9′s death at the top of his nightly newsletter on Tuesday, and recognize the K9′s bond to his “loyal partner,” Corporal Lawrence Battiste V.

“Together, they worked tirelessly to keep the citizens of Mobile safe,” Stimpson said. “Pedro will be greatly missed by his fellow officers, Corporal Battiste and all the community members who knew him. However, his legacy of service will live on in the great work that all our K9 officers do every day.”

According to Mobile police, Pedro’s “friendly demeanor” and “fighting spirit” made him a “beloved member of the community.” He visited local schools including Morningside Elementary, Spencer-Westlawn Elementary, Dawes Intermediate School, Leinkauf Elementary and Ashland Place.

Pedro was recognized as a runner-up for the 2019 K9 aftermath grant. He received the 2020 Best K9 Team Overall and Best Single Purpose K9 award, according to police.