Mobile City Councilmember questions the cost of Amtrak

Mobile City Councilmember questions the cost of Amtrak

Joel Daves has served on the Mobile City Council since 2013, representing District 5. A graduate of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., and Stetson University College of Law in Florida, Daves had a 30-year career in banking before joining the council.

Daves is also active statewide in the arts and philanthropy. He previously served as chairman of the Alabama State Council on the Arts from 2017-2019, and as chair of the board of trustees for the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

Here, Daves discusses the possible return of Amtrak to Mobile, the city council’s potential ordinance relating to law enforcement recordings, like body camera footage, and how constituents can get in touch with him.

Questions and answers have been condensed and edited for clarity.

Amtrak is coming back to Mobile. And I know the city is considering leasing space for a train station on Water Street. My understanding is that you haven’t been a big fan of Amtrak in the past. So, I’m wondering what your thoughts are on the city potentially leasing space for a train station Amtrak?