Miss Manners: Why do other gay men keep asking if we’re “open”?

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My partner and I are gay men in our 30s. We are in a committed, monogamous relationship, and we seem to be the only ones. When I’m in spaces meant for queer people and I mention that I’m in a relationship, I often get asked, “Are you guys open?”

I can’t tell if this is a come-on or a simple question, but I can’t stand it.

I have no problem with other people being polyamorous or being in open relationships, but I think it’s tacky to always talk about it or put one’s business out there. It’s even worse when it feels like people are pressuring you to break your monogamous ways.

How do I answer this question truthfully without getting offended or coming off like a fuddy-duddy?


Please send your questions to Miss Manners at missmanners.com, by email to [email protected], or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.