Miss Manners: This bed and breakfast needs better breakfast

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Two years ago, we stayed in a lovely B&B, along with six other family members. The accommodations were good, as was the location.

However, we did not enjoy the daily breakfasts. We appreciated that the husband and wife proprietors rose early every day to provide the meal, so we took a bite or two of each item and thanked them — even though we believe the elaborate breakfast items they served came prepackaged and all they had to do was reheat them.

My family has decided we want to return to the same inn this summer. Is there a polite way to request that they provide a breakfast more to our liking? We just want some simple eggs, toast and coffee, but we don’t want to insult them or hurt their feelings.

GENTLE READER: “We tend to be light eaters in the morning — usually just some toast and coffee. But we don’t want to be any trouble, so we’re also happy to go out for it.”

Miss Manners trusts that any insult your hosts may feel will be countered by getting to trim their heat ‘n’ eat grocery list by half when you are there.

Please send your questions to Miss Manners at missmanners.com, by email to [email protected], or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.