Miss Manners: Cursing colleague
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband just doesn’t understand why I do not wish to hang out with his new work friend and the friend’s wife. I have expressed my reasons and told him I could not tolerate them more than once a month.
He spends time doing projects with his new friend during the week, which is fine with me. But our relationship is starting to suffer because he wants to spend weekends with his friend, as well — and the wife is there, and I do not want to be around her. She constantly talks down to her husband, using words that you probably won’t publish, such as “shut the f— up,” “f— you,” “a–hole,” “d—head” and more.
My husband says “that’s just her.” I told him that I wouldn’t want someone to talk to me like that, and I asked if he’d like for me to talk to him like that, to which he said no. He said it doesn’t bother his friend, to which I asked if he had actually asked his friend that question.
I had a bad childhood and do not want to be reminded of it by hanging out with this couple, but he still makes couple plans with them. It’s intolerable to me. What more can I say or do?
GENTLE READER: Fail to join in. You have made your case to your husband and he has ignored it. Miss Manners recommends that you outwardly plead other plans, work or not feeling up to it. If your husband insists on inviting them as a couple, then he will have to make your excuses and endure this woman’s bad behavior alone.
Here is hoping that she does not get comfortable enough to start roping him into the fun.
Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, www.missmanners.com; to her email, [email protected]; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.