Meet the 2023 Women Who Shape the State honorees
Now in its 10th year, This is Alabama’s Women Who Shape the State honors those who exemplify leadership, persistence and fearlessness. The 2023 class of Women Who Shape the State hail from all corners of Alabama and consists of CEOs, civic leaders, educators, entrepreneurs and more. They all have one similar goal: Making their communities a better place to live.
A luncheon will be held to celebrate this year’s honorees on March 8 at The Club in Birmingham. (You can purchase tickets here.) The keynote speaker will be Col. Eries L.G. Mentzer, Director, Air Commando Development – HQ Air Force Special Operations Command. In 2022, Col. Mentzer ended her post as the first Black female Commander of Maxwell Air Force Base. The program will hosted by’s Ivana Hyrnkiw.
Now, let us introduce you to the 2023 Women Who Shape the State. They have some words of wisdom and reflection for you as well:
Erin Beasley
Erin Beasley
Executive Vice President, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association
“(When I think about the one thing I wish I’d known earlier in my career), my mind goes straight to the importance of your network. I can remember hearing this all of the time in college, but it did not really sink in until I started my career. Everything revolves around your network and who you know. In my world, we do a lot of problem-solving and issues management for our membership. The best thing I have in my toolbelt is knowing who I need to call to try and help our members. Your network can also really help you when looking for a job or if you are in a position to hire people. As you build out your network, it is very important to leave people with a good impression of your work and never burn a bridge if you can help it.”

Courtney Bentley
Courtney C. Bentley, EdD
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, University of Montevallo
“There have been many notable moments that serve as anchors in my life, such as the decision early in my career to pursue teaching in public education, the birth of my children and the call to return to and serve the State of Alabama as a teacher educator and advocate. These combined experiences inform my enduring commitment to ensuring children, youth, young adults, adult learner, and families in Alabama have access to highly qualified educators in both P-12 and postsecondary settings.”

Sherry Bradley
Sherry Bradley
Director, Bureau of Environmental Services, Alabama Department of Public Health
“The Black Belt Unincorporated Wastewater Program (BBUWP) was created to install onsite septic tank systems for those in need. Every time I am instrumental in the installation of an onsite system at the home of someone that never could afford such a system ($8,000 – $28,000) – it makes a difference in the person’s health and well-being.”

Dawn Bulgarella
Dawn Bulgarella
President and Interim Chief Executive Officer, UAB Health System
“Much of my career has been in healthcare leadership. Women make up a large percentage of the healthcare workforce but don’t fill the senior leadership roles at the same rate. While this hasn’t presented itself as a barrier to me, it does result in being the only woman in the room from time to time when decisions are being made. As a woman in these circumstances, it is important that you don’t allow your own mindset to become a leadership barrier in the form of a lack of confidence or risk aversion from having a different perspective on things.”

Tammy Cohen
Tammy Cohen
Architect, Designer, President, CCR Architecture & Interiors
“Follow your dreams, anything is possible! Stay positive and do not let anyone discourage your plans and goals. There will be setbacks but pushing ahead even when feeling discouraged will get you closer every day.”

Hollie Campbell Cost
Hollie Campbell Cost
Assistant Vice President for University Outreach and Public Service, Auburn University
“I would encourage young women in Alabama to move beyond the status quo, putting aside the fears we have of failure, rejection or criticism. The only limits young women should be concerned with are the limits they impose upon themselves. At this time in our history women have the capacity to deeply impact society as well as those around them. It is critical that we lift others up, providing them with opportunities to excel as we move forward professionally. Young women’s innate compassion, nurturing spirit, desire for equity and love for others should be considered our superpower and not our kryptonite.”

Arlinda Davis
Arlinda Davis
Retired, Elementary teacher, Birmingham City Schools; Ambassador, WE Teach North America
“The barriers I have faced are barriers as women we all face. Our voice is often unheard, our knowledge is often unnoticed and our strength is often underestimated. Each one of these things pushed me to be heard seen, and empowered.”

Anne Dice
Anne Dice
Program Manager & Charitable Giving Lead, Modern Technology Solutions, Inc (MTSI)
“I would advise all young women to not be afraid to use their voice and always be willing to take the chance! There were so many times when I was younger that I held back from taking on additional responsibilities or did not take the empty seat at the table or decided against applying for the promotion that was a bit of a stretch because I was scared about not doing well. All of our ideas are valuable, and we belong at the table. The biggest risk is choosing to not participate or voice your ideas. Every time I resisted the urge to hold back, I built my confidence because I recognized I could also contribute and lead.”

Nicole Faulk
Nicole Faulk
Vice President Transmission Construction and Protection & Controls, Alabama Power
“I’m passionate about mentoring young people (especially women), advocating for STEM education and supporting future engineers. I think it’s important to be intentional about creating opportunities for mentorship and working not only to lift up others, but to allow others to lift you up and to encourage you as well. It’s a continuous process.”

Lisa Hales
Lisa Hales
Senior Vice President of Member Experience, All In Credit Union
“Speak up and don’t be shy. Everyone has an opinion and it’s okay for you to share yours. I was quiet and shy and continually got called out for that. It took a while but once I built up the confidence to speak up, people began to take me more seriously.”

Dr. Leida Javier-Ferrell
Dr. Leida Javier-Ferrell
President, Javier-Calametti, LLC; President, Hispanic American Business Association of the Gulf Coast
“I have had the pleasure and responsibility to serve as a mentor to many young leaders. Probably, one of my most difficult accomplishments has been breaking through and becoming an active and recognized community and professional member of the Mobile area, I came to Mobile at 45 and had to reinvent myself I was a VP in a large multi-campus university in Puerto Rico and married a Mobilian. I had to start here anew, with just the transferable skills.”

Dena Kitts
Dena Kitts
UNA First Lady, University of North Alabama; Founder, Women of Influence initiative
“Fresh out of college, with a degree in English, I was hired as an HR Coordinator at a regional university. One of my job duties included OSHA training for 200+ employees in Facilities. I had no idea what OSHA was, and my four years studying Shakespeare was no help at all. I figured out quickly I needed to turn a challenging situation into an opportunity, so during training, I got certified in Confined Space entry and learned to drive a forklift alongside the guys. This simple act of servant leadership changed the dynamic between us, and I became a respected member of their group.”

Cassi Marshall
Cassi Marshall
Director, Risk Management, Encompass Health
“My advice to young women would be to extend the same grace to yourself that you extend to those around you. Many women have a tendency to uplift, encourage and motivate others while turning a very critical eye to the woman in the mirror. It’s okay to encourage her, too.”

Laura Y. McDonald
Laura Y. McDonald
Senior Vice President and Chief Mortgage and Real Estate Officer, Protective Life Corporation
“Mistakes happen. Losses happen. The challenge is not how to always avoid adversity, but how you face it and learn from it.”

Leah Nelson
Leah Nelson
Research Director, Alabama Appleseed Center for Law & Justice
“My biggest accomplishment is also my biggest ongoing project – raising my two children and being the mom in a family of four. I have a wonderful partner in my husband James, and together we’re trying to raise kids who are happy and well-adjusted and learning all the right things in a world and in a moment that are extremely challenging. I want my kids to understand why I do the work I do, but I don’t want them to feel like they have to do what I do. I want them to love this state and be proud of it and also to understand that Alabama, like every place all the time, is a work in progress – and they can be part of that progress. As they grow older, I want them to feel able to leave but I want them to want to stay. Nothing is harder or less accomplishable than those goals, but I’m working on it.”

Stacey Summerville Ramsay
Stacey Summerville Ramsay
Showroom Division Regional Manager, Inline Electric Supply
“Remaining calm has become one of my superpowers over the years, but I definitely have not always been this way especially early on in my career. I was so focused on making an impact and growing the business that I took many things way too seriously and worried about situations or people that did not warrant all those feelings. I can now take a step back and prioritize what needs my attention and when, and am confident in what I am and am not capable of achieving.”

Dr. Leona Onderdonk Rowan
Dr. Leona Onderdonk Rowan
President, Literacy Coalition of South Alabama
“I would advise young women to pursue their dreams with passion and perseverance. Life has taught me that a person can accomplish amazing things if she is motivated, goal-oriented, and, most importantly, has perseverance. Take one step at a time and celebrate reaching each milestone along the journey. If you make a mistake, learn from the mistake and continue to persevere. In the words of Winston Churchill, ‘Never, never, never give up.’”

Alicia Ryan
Alicia Ryan
“Remember that you do make a difference. Every day is a chance to see the beauty of life and make a difference. Every single person you meet is part of the journey, so listen and respect everyone on the journey. Don’t give up! Every single time in my life that I was broken and felt like I couldn’t go any further, the next step was success. I learned, if it feels like I am failing, I am probably really close to success.”

April Sells
April Sells
Director – Tribal Emergency Services, Poarch Band of Creek Indians
“Don’t allow anyone to determine your path, get in your way or tell you that it can’t be accomplished.”

Sally Smith
Sally Smith
Executive Director, Alabama Association of School Boards
“I believe in everyday heroes so there isn’t one Alabama woman that has influenced me; there are dozens. I’m amazed at the goodness, tenacity, dedication, passion and commitment I see day in and day out by women who take care of their families, are amazing at their jobs and are the backbone of our churches, charities and communities. There are so many attributes in the women I am around and I aspire to that I can’t name just one woman.”

Chandra Brown Stewart
Chandra Brown Stewart
Agency Director, Family Counseling Center of Mobile, Inc. (dba Lifelines Counseling Services)
“You are worthy because you breathe. No need to search for it. No need to wonder. You are. You have everything you need. So, if you feel there’s something you want to try, take the step toward that idea/dream/desire. Lastly, everything doesn’t have to be a goal to overcome or achieve; it’s OK to rest.”

Vanessa Vargas
Vanessa Vargas
Managing Partner, Latino News, LLC
“It is alright to ask for help when seeking professional growth. (Mentors can accelerate your growth, potential and network.)”

Shellie Whitfield
Shellie Whitfield
Executive Director, Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce
“I am honored to be part of the team of people that has completely revitalized our historic downtown. The area that was once 40 percent empty and boarded up, is now bustling and prosperous. We have made our community an art destination, by telling our unique story through art and place-making. Helping to bring a once-dead community back to life makes me very proud.”

Alicia Johnson Williams
Alicia Johnson Williams
Director, Negro Southern League Museum and The Historic Boutwell Auditorium, City of Birmingham
“Strong female leadership is often misperceived and isn’t always respected in the same way that male leadership is. Male leadership can engage and enforce rules with team members, and there is often an instinctive respectful response to their requests. A female leader might say the same thing and make the same request and team members don’t always have the same amount of respect and will respond in a negative way. Not getting the same respect as a female leader that male leadership receives is one of the barriers that I have experienced with some people.”

Ashley Wilson
Ashley Wilson
Founder/Executive Director, Curt’s Closet
“May 7, 2017, is the one moment in my life that has impacted me the most, both negatively and positively. On May 7, 2017, my youngest son, Curt and I were headed home when we were hit head-on by a drunk driver. Curt did not survive. Losing a child is indescribable. It’s a pain I wish on no one. The pain never goes away. You must learn to live a new normal. You are forced to continue to live life. Through my pain, I experienced a love like no other from family, friends, community and total strangers. Also, through my pain, God gave me the vision for Curt’s Closet, the non-profit founded in memory of my son which continues to impact my life positively each and every day.”
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