Mason Sisk retrial: Defense paints father as abusive biker with drug debts

Mason Sisk retrial: Defense paints father as abusive biker with drug debts

Jury selection has been completed and opening statement have been made in the second trial for Mason Sisk, an Elkmont teen charged with the murders of five family members in 2019. He was 14 years old when the crime occurred.

Jury selection began Monday morning in Limestone County Circuit Court and went into a second day but, by 10 a.m.,10 men and 4 women had been chosen and opening statements were underway.

The prosecution presented Sisk as an angry teen who gave subtle warning when he told a teacher that he would not be at school the following week and who called his girlfriend repeatedly after the murders prior to calling 911.

The defense focused on Mason’s father, John Sisk, as possibly having drug debts that were never investigated. They also questioned Mason’s ability to carry out the crime as well as his confession to the crime.

Elkmont teacher, Lisa Watkins, was the first witness to take the stand Tuesday. It was Watkins, also a friend of victim Mary Sisk, who testified to talking to Mason in the days leading up to the murders. Watkins said that Mason told her the Wednesday prior to the murders that he would not be back in school next week.

Defense attorney Michael Sizemore questioned Watkins about a baby shower attended by the Sisk’s. She testified that John Sisk’s behavior stood out to her as concerning, not Mason’s. She described John as being abusive and controlling.

Matt “Gator” Patti was next on the stand. The Sisk family had spent the Labor Day weekend visiting Pratti at his Florida home. He testified that John Sisk had confided in him about troubles at home. He also noticed his pistol was missing as the Sisk’s were packing for their trip home to Elkmont.

The defense questioned Patti about the motorcycle club culture and testified that John Sisk was a member of the “Iron Coffins.”

Testimony is set to resume after a break for lunch.


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