Less confidence for storms Wednesday in parts of state

Less confidence for storms Wednesday in parts of state

There is still a risk for a few severe storms in Alabama on Wednesday, but forecast confidence has lowered, and the threat has shifted northward.

Storms are still several days away, however, so the forecast could change, and Alabamians were encouraged to keep up with the latest developments as Wednesday approaches.

NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center on Saturday shifted its forecast severe risk farther north in Alabama. Earlier forecasts had included all of north and much of central Alabama, but now only north Alabama is included. (The latest forecast for Wednesday is at the top of this post.)

The National Weather Service in Huntsville said on Saturday morning that there was a medium to high chance for rain and storms on Wednesday with a low chance of severe storms.

The National Weather Service in Birmingham continued to monitor trends leading up to Wednesday but said on Saturday morning that computer model data “continues to suggest that the best chances for severe weather will remain well to the north and west” of central Alabama.

Forecasters added that this could change in the next few days, so keep up with the latest forecasts.

It appears Wednesday will be windy, however, with wind advisories possible, forecasters said.