Katie Britt sworn in as Alabama’s newest U.S. Senator, with ‘day one’ plans

Katie Britt sworn in as Alabama’s newest U.S. Senator, with ‘day one’ plans

Katie Britt, the first-time candidate from Enterprise who became the first woman elected to the position from the state, was sworn in Tuesday as Alabama’s newest U.S. Senator.

Britt is now the youngest Republican woman to serve in the U.S. Senate and the second-youngest woman to serve in the chamber ever.

“When I walked into the Capitol and stood there in the Rotunda where the Capitol dome is, and you think about the history — you think about the men and women who have sacrificed for this great nation and sacrificed for the freedoms that we all enjoy… It was very real. It took my breath away,” Britt said in her first interview after the ceremony.

She filled the seat previously held by Richard Shelby, R-Ala., following his retirement. Britt served on Shelby’s staff in several capacities, including as his press secretary and chief of staff. Now, she’ll be using his old desk (albeit in a different office location).

“If you had told me that I would have this opportunity and this honor I probably would not have been able to wrap my head around it,” Britt said of her time on Shelby’s staff, adding that she believes the limitations we place on ourselves do the most damage. “I am hopeful that there are young people all across the state that can take a look at what we were all able to achieve together — the message that our state sent to this nation by giving me the opportunity to serve, and I hope that they think that more things are possible as a result of this.”

Throughout her campaign, Britt said she’d be ready to hit the ground running immediately.

Today, she said she’ll continue to focus on national borders, inflation and education — all issues she spoke frequently about during her campaign, adding that she’s already begun working, and she and others “have a couple of things that we will be dropping on day one.”

Certain aspects of her new role, such as whether she will support federal judicial nominations in Alabama made by the Biden Administration or what she committees she will serve on, are less clear.

Britt said, however, that she believes Alabama should be represented on the Agriculture, Appropriations and Armed Forces committees, and she hopes to split those assignments with Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala. She said she’d also love to serve on the Banking, Commerce, Small Business or Intelligence committees.

“Being able to do a deep dive about the threats facing our nation and how we keep our homeland safe and exhibit peace through strength is important,” she said. “Not only does national security mean a great deal to Alabama, but I believe Alabama means a great deal to national security.”

Britt said regardless of what committees she ends up on, she plans to “put Alabama in the best place possible.”

While waiting for committee assignments, however, she has been tapped to serve on the Republican Party Advisory Council for the Republican National Convention.

When it comes to judiciary appointments, Britt said she’ll work alongside Tuberville and decide how to move forward.

In regard to whomever the Biden Administration appoints, Britt said she believes it’s important to have a strong judiciary and “get the right people in their seats.”

As she steps into her new role, Britt will be splitting her time between Alabama and Washington, D.C.

“Our family is going to stay in Alabama,” she said. “Our roots are in Alabama, and we want to make sure that our children are brought up in Alabama, so we’re going to do our very best to make it work with me going back and forth.”

She said she thinks often about sacrifices that parents make, including men and women in the military and those working to make ends meet.

Ultimately, she said, her family will always do what’s best for her kids, Bennett and Ridgeway.

“The vice president told Ridgeway that he had a serious handshake and then had conversation with Bennett,” Britt said. “This has been this has been a really special moment. I know it’s not often that we get to see a swearing in through the eyes of school-aged children, and to watch them take it all in was incredible and also reminded me exactly why I did this in the first place.”

Along with being the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from Alabama, Britt also secured millions of dollars in fundraising. As of November, she had nearly $2 million in ending cash on hand, according to the Federal Election Commission.

Sarah Swetlik is a gender and politics reporter at AL.com. She is supported through a partnership with Report for America. Contribute to support the team here.