Jimmy Buffett’s ‘Bubbles Up’ video brims with nostalgic images

Jimmy Buffett’s ‘Bubbles Up’ video brims with nostalgic images

With Jimmy Buffett’s final studio album, “Equal Strain on All Parts,” slated for release on Friday, a new video offers a touching montage of Buffett living life as he preferred: On the water.

The song “Bubbles Up,” released shortly after Buffett’s death on Sept. 1, rapidly attained a special place among Buffett fans, with Paul McCartney among the first to declare that it had a special resonance in the wake of Buffett’s passing. Co-written by Mobile native Will Kimbrough, it takes a bit of advice given to novice divers and turns it into a lesson about accepting, and dealing with, the loss and uncertainty of life. It’s one of the deeper songs in the Buffett canon, and Kimbrough said that’s in part because he drew on his work with a program that helps veterans and first responders deal with post-traumatic stress.

The new video, released Monday, pairs the now-familiar music with a montage of Jimmy Buffett in all phases of his career: The young beach bum with the bushy moustache to the older citizen of the world to the mature songwriter carrying on despite a private battle with skin cancer. CMT quoted “Buffett’s team” as saying the video is about “Jimmy and what he loved doing. From performance footage in the 70s to more recent days, being on and in the water, playing for fans, flying, each frame holds wonderful memories of a well-lived life. The opening shot is Jimmy filming himself jumping into the water.”

The common themes are the joy of performance and the joy of being on the water. Over the course of the clip, viewers see Buffett on everything from paddleboards and surfboards and rowing skiffs, to sailboats of all sizes, to some kind of futuristic self-propelled hyrdrofoil board. Not to mention frolicking underwater with a school of mermaids.

Buffett’s sister Lucy said over the weekend, addressing a gathering of thousands of parrotheads in Gulf Shores, “We got a good reason to cry and we got a good reason to party.” The new video carries on that theme.

“Equal Strain On All Parts” will be released Friday. It can be ordered through Mailboat Records and Sun Records, and will be available through major music retailers and streaming services.