Jefferson County Manager says he prefers the transparency of local government

Jefferson County Manager says he prefers the transparency of local government

In 2021 the Jefferson County Commission selected Cal Markert as the second ever county manager for Jefferson County.

Markert has a long work history in Alabama infrastructure offices, prior to 2021 he served as Jefferson County’s Deputy County Manager over Infrastructure and as the county’s Director of Roads and Transportation.

Markert said his current priorities focus on “adding value and removing waste” for the people of Jefferson County.

What are the responsibilities of the county manager’s office?

In a nutshell, the County Commission sets the policy for the County, and I implement. Basically, the County Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the County assuring appropriate coordination of departmental operations. I’m also the appointing authority for all department heads, except for elected officials, non-merit system employees and the county attorney’s staff. My duties are thoroughly outlined in the County Manager Act, which is what the County Commission transitioned to in 2011.