Introducing the ‘Broke & Bothered’ student-loan newsletter from Reckon

Introducing the ‘Broke & Bothered’ student-loan newsletter from Reckon

We’re excited to announce the launch of Broke & Bothered, a newsletter all about student loans. Sign up here.

Even before the U.S. Supreme Court nullified President Biden’s student-loan forgiveness plan, the deal Congress made to avoid defaulting on the nation’s debt meant an end to the student-loan payment pause.

Read more: Biden student loan relief plan struck down. What’s next?

From now until September, when payments are scheduled to resume, the Broke & Bothered newsletter will highlight the most important news and information about federal student loans, introduce readers to borrowers from across the U.S. who are living under the crush of debt and tell you how to take action in addressing tghe debt crisis.

Alexis Wray, a North Carolina-based reporter for Reckon, will serve as the lead writer.

“It’s unnerving to think about the power student loan debt has to not only impact the lives of borrowers but millions of other Americans and the world’s economy. I hope with my coverage, I can provide people with the need to know information and peace of mind to make the best decisions for their lives and their student loan debt,” Wray said.

Read more: Student loan debt payments to restart soon. Here’s how to get ready

Questions of equity will be at the heart of the newsletter as student loan debt unevenly impacts borrowers of color, first-generation college students and those from HBCU and minority-serving institutions.

“The student-loan debt crisis is one of the defining justice issues of our time. We hope that this newsletter not only arms borrowers with information about their loans but, as a powerful voting bloc, also inspires civic action going into an important national election year,” said R.L. Nave, Reckon’s editor-in-chief.

As Braxton Brewington, press secretary of The Debt Collective, a debt-elimination advocacy group told Reckon: “Disproportionately women, Black and working class, these borrowers will struggle to live economically secure lives — dragging our nation’s economy down as well. Borrowers need full-scale debt relief to jumpstart the economy and put cash directly in the hands of folks who need it most.”

Read more: Borrowers could be forced into ‘unthinkable financial decisions’ if Supreme Court rules against Biden

Reckon has collected dozens of first-person stories from around the country about what debt — and forgiveness — means for them, and we will publish these accounts each week. You can still share your story and thoughts here with Reckon.

If you have questions about student loan debt or want to personally share your debt story, please email Alexis at [email protected].