‘I learned to fight for my life’: Woman recounts kidnapping, ex-boyfriend’s fatal shooting by Gadsden police

‘I learned to fight for my life’: Woman recounts kidnapping, ex-boyfriend’s fatal shooting by Gadsden police

The woman who was kidnapped, pistol whipped and held at gunpoint by her ex-boyfriend for hours before Gadsden police fatally shot him said he planned to kill her and then himself for months.

In a lengthy Facebook post recounting her terrifying ordeal, Kelsey Freeman said she was speaking out to help others in abusive relationships.

Freeman, 26, said she knew Cody Stewart, 28, since he was 14 years old. They reconnected in March and began dating.

“He was my best friend, my lover, and also the one who did this to me and completely changed my life forever. I forgive him for everything he did, I told him this the whole entire time during his last minutes. No matter how bad or what he just did I still loved him and still forgave him,” she wrote.

Freeman claimed Stewart had “anger issues” and fought “demons.” She broke up with him in October.

Stewart’s family earlier told AL.com that they did not believe he had to be shot dead by police and questioned why authorities did not involve them in negotiations during the standoff that ended his life.

After not speaking for months, Stewart began texting Freeman songs about how he wanted to kill her, she claimed. Stewart, she said, also tried to steal money from her multiple times.

Freeman said she changed her credit cards after those incidents and shared her location with her friends through her phone.

After leaving work around 8:50 p.m. on Jan. 5, Freeman drove to a store in Attalla to pick up wine before heading to pick up her mother from work and going to meet friends.

After making the purchase, Freeman opened the door to her SUV and let her friends know she was on her way to meet them when she noticed something moving in the rear of the vehicle.

It was Stewart, she said.

“He jumps out of my car with a gun to my head and yells at me to get in on the driver side, so he throws me in the car and I’m still in the driver seat fighting him and he is throwing my car into drive, I’m throwing it into park and he kept saying, ‘If you don’t listen to me I will blow your brains out,’” Freeman recalled.

Stewart threw her into the passenger seat and began driving erratically, furious about her blocking him from communicating with her.

“He yelled, ‘You thought you could just leave me? You think this is a f—— game? I would die for you!’,” Freeman recalled.

She said she thought she was living her last moments and asked Stewart if he was going to kill her.

Freeman said Stewart told her to pray to God to help her before pistol whipping her across her left eye.

“Blood is pouring out everywhere, and I really starting crying and praying to God to help me — these are my last moments. I honestly thought I was going to die,” she wrote.

Stewart then pulled into his house and into the shed where he and Freeman would spend time while they were dating. He then zip tied her hands and legs before ultimately tying her to a wheelchair.

“And has the gun to my head the entire time, he’s saying a lot of crazy things,” she wrote, adding that she was not “going to go into that much detail” about what he said.

“But basically he had been planning this for two months. He was planning a murder suicide. He was going to kill me and then himself. Like I said, Cody struggled with his own demons,” Freeman wrote.

Stewart then went through her phone, Freeman said, before choking her.

“I’m trying to fight him, I’m kicking, shaking, and I start to drift away and I see a light,” Freeman said. “I was praying to my grandmother, god, my friends, everyone I love, and idk what happened but I broke free and as soon as I did the cops surrounded the building. I’m praying to god thank you so much. You have your hands wrapped around me. I feel you.”

Bleeding from her head for five hours, Freeman begged Stewart to stop.

Her voice was heard by Gadsden police who arrived on the scene to negotiate with Stewart.

Stewart told her to lay on a bed as he laid beside her with a gun to her neck when she heard a flash bang that authorities used to tear a hole through the shed.

“I can’t see or hear, and he cocks the gun, and he tried to shoot me, but I use all of my strength to move the gun and when I do, [police] shot him about four to five times.”

Freeman said she broke down when she saw her ex-boyfriend was dead.

“He didn’t deserve it, but I also didn’t deserve what happened to me,” he said. “The cops did what they are trained to do in these situations. They saved me. Multiple people saved me that night. I get pulled into an army tank, I’m handcuffed and then they put me into a ambulance around 3 am and I’m taken to the hospital. I want to thank everyone who helped me that night. This is my story, this is my testimony.”