Huntsville would limit medical cannabis to certain districts under zoning amendment

Huntsville would limit medical cannabis to certain districts under zoning amendment

Medical cannabis dispensaries would be restricted to Huntsville’s medical districts under a zoning amendment passed by the Planning Commission on Tuesday.

The zoning amendment would come before the Huntsville City Council in November should the city council pass an ordinance at its meeting on tonight authorizing medical cannabis dispensaries to operate within city limits, according to Henry Thornton, the city’s external relations officer.

The zoning amendment would not allow dispensaries within 300 feet from the front door of another dispensary. That is in addition to a state restriction that bars the dispensaries from locating within 1,000 feet of protected property such as schools or daycares.

Thomas Nunez, manager of planning services, said the additional restriction would keep medical cannabis businesses from proliferating in any single area. He said the city has similar restrictions for other businesses such as those that sell alcohol.

“If we did not regulate, they could pop up in any particular area within our city,” Nunez said.

The amendment restricts dispensaries from occupying space in the same multi-use structure, strip mall or other such retail facility as another dispensary or integrated facility (a facility that brings the process of producing medical cannabis under one roof).