Huntsville residents upset over change in plans for 220-unit apartment complex in Jones Valley

Huntsville residents upset over change in plans for 220-unit apartment complex in Jones Valley

A developer’s change in plans have Jones Valley residents up in arms about a proposed 220-unit apartment complex near their homes.

Residents living near the proposed complex packed Huntsville City Hall to voice their displeasure before the Huntsville Planning Commission Tuesday night only to find out they weren’t going to be allowed to speak.

“It’s like the George Santos thing,” Flavio Carvalho said. “They (the developer) embellished the design. Their marketing was based on an embellished design.”

The planning commission approved the layout of Jones Valley Apartments on a 5-4 vote over the objections of the residents. Current plans call for 11 three-story apartment buildings. The apartments are to be built north of Four Mile Post Road and east of Garth Road.

The action came during a part of the meeting in which there are no public hearings.

Heartland Real Estate Partners is the developer. Schoel Engineering is also involved with the project.