Huntsville 6th grader found with unloaded gun, pocket knife at school

Huntsville 6th grader found with unloaded gun, pocket knife at school

A Whitesburg Middle School student was found this morning with weapons at school, according to Huntsville City Schools officials.

A system spokesman said a sixth grade student was discovered to be in possession of weapons today in the cafeteria before school started, including an unloaded firearm and a pocket knife.

“Our team immediately confiscated the weapons, and the incident was quickly addressed,” the system said in a statement to parents. “Everything is under control, and we are conducting a normal day of school. A school resource officer promptly removed the student from campus before the school day began.”

System officials said the student involved will face disciplinary action according to the system’s Behavioral Learning Guide (BLG).

“We ask for your continued support in ensuring students are unable to access weapons at home and checking your child’s backpack before they leave for school. Additionally, please speak with your student about the importance of ‘see something, say something’ to report any concerns to a teacher or administrator,” the statement to parents said.