How to address a recent gap in your career

How to address a recent gap in your career

Dear Sam: I am 57 years old and have worked since the age of 14. After 30+ years in the insurance business, I transitioned into a new field and recently completed my Medical Assisting associate’s degree. Due to an injury on the job, I have recently been collecting workers’ compensation. Now, I am faced with a past employer telling prospective employers I am collecting workers’ compensation in addition to a gap in employment. I am getting some interviews but am not getting the job. What do I list for the past couple of years? – Jen

Dear Jen: If you are getting interviews but not the job, we would look at what is happening in the interview that could make an employer go with another candidate. Can you follow up with any of your past interviewers and ask for feedback? Many are happy to review this with a candidate they invested time with. That would be step one. As far as the gap on your resume, as you went back to school to complete a two-year degree, you have the perfect gap filler! Be sure your education leads your resume — under the qualifications summary — and is listed with the years you pursued it, as this will fill the gap in employment.

Regarding the workers’ compensation, I would inform prospective employers — during the interview — of your situation. Explain you were injured and could not return to that type of work, and therefore evaluated your career options and decided to return to school to pursue a new professional endeavor. Lastly, I want to ensure your resume does not include all 40+ years of experience. Be sure your resume presents a competitive 10 to 15-year picture along with your degree and a qualifications summary promoting the transferability of your past and the relevance of your recent education.

Samantha Nolan is an Advanced Personal Branding Strategist and Career Expert, founder and CEO of Nolan Branding. Do you have a resume, career, or job search question for Dear Sam? Reach Samantha at [email protected]. For information on Nolan Branding’s services, visit or call 888-9-MY-BRAND or 614-570-3442.