How much do Hoover’s top-ranking officials make each year?

How much do Hoover’s top-ranking officials make each year?

Employees for the city of Hoover make anywhere between just above $230,000 and just under $32,000 annually according to public records for the 2024 fiscal year, which began Oct. 1.

The city’s highest paid employee is Chief of Police Nicholas Derzis, who makes $230,256 annually. Some of the other top paid positions include City Administrator Kenneth Grimes ($219,086.40) and City Engineer Jeffrey “Chris” Reeves ($198,993.60).

One name people might be surprised to find much further down the list is Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato, who falls below the top 200 highest paid city employees with an annual salary of $90,000.

Many groups of employees have identical salaries due to the city’s pay schedule, so the position of mayor ranks somewhere around the 60th highest paid position in Hoover. The city’s assistant fire chief, assistant library director, and fine arts manager all currently hold higher paid positions, which could be contributed to how long they’ve been in their position per the pay schedule.

Brocato did not respond to requests for comment from the Lede by press time.