Hoover girls denied basketball trophy after winning championship against boys: ‘I’m sorry you don’t count’
A group of fifth grade Hoover girls forced to play boys in a recreational youth league were not recognized as champions despite winning the league title when the trophy was instead awarded to the boys who lost the game, according to parents.
The girls, who played in a competitive girls’ league for three years representing Spain Park, were told they could not continue to use Hoover gyms for their practices unless they joined the city’s youth recreational league and play with boys, according to Jayme Mashayekh, whose daughter was on the winning team.
The girls were “middle of the pack” and lost tough games during the youth rec league season, according to Mashayekh.
“Playing the boys was a challenge they rose to meet,” she said. “It made them better players and a better team.”
In a Facebook post that went viral, Mashayekh said the girls were told before the title game that they could play in the championship “but if they won they wouldn’t be allowed to have the trophy.”
“Excuse me? What?” What did they do to get disqualified? Did they not pay their dues? Did they not play up a level in competition? Oh, it’s because they’re GIRLS?!?!” Mashayekh wrote.
“So sure enough these 5th grade girls played their hearts out, left it all on the floor and battled their male counterparts only to be told, ‘No, I’m sorry you don’t count,’” she added.
Mashayekh later updated her post indicating that the city and the Hoover Rec Center offered to “make things right for the girls,” but it was unclear what steps were being taken.
Hoover City Administrator Allan Rice did not say how the city was rectifying the situation, instead sending this statement to AL.com:
“On Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, the City of Hoover and the Hoover Parks and Recreation Board became aware of concerns about a recent youth basketball tournament. We are currently working to provide proper recognition to all the teams that were successful in that tournament. Also, we are reviewing the full extent of what occurred to ensure all future programs are handled appropriately.”
A spokeswoman for the city could not immediately be reached for comment.
Some Hoover residents said they were ashamed at the slight.
“Shameful. Live in Hoover. Pay Hoover taxes. Can’t use facilities without joining their league but then as a victor, shunned. I assume you paid league dues to be in the rec league. Sounds about right for the Hoover Rec though,” one Facebook commenter wrote.
“Horrendous – disgusting, they play up , play boys older than them and beat them and told ‘you don’t count’, boys still win even though they lost. Makes me sick, in 2023, reward these girls. They more than deserve it,” said another commenter. “CHAMPIONS ALL THE WAY.”
“That is absolutely horrible! They did what they were told to do!!! So because they worked hard, paid their dues, and beat the boys they are punished?” wrote another. “Wow! Keep your heads up girls!!!”